Friday 12 July 2013

Theme of language universals, Contents

Theme of language universals, Contents

1. Distance

1.1 Memory

1.2 Intuitive Concept

1.3 Quantum

1.4 Distance
1.42 Orbit of Word 

1.5 Dimension

1.6 Connection

1.7 Hyperbolicity

2. Mirror

2.1 Intuitive Concept
2.11 Reversion Theory
2.12 Guarantee of Language
2.13 Mirror Theory
2.14 Mirror Language 

2.2 Complex Manifold Deformation
2.21 Reflection of Word

2.3 Symplectic Geometry
2.31 Mirror Symmetry Conjecture on Rational Curve 
2.32 Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH  

2.4 Floer Homology
2.41 Supersymmetric Harmonic Oscillator 
2.42 Reversibility of Language

2.5 Witten Invariant
2.51 Symmetry of Language

3. Understandability 

3.1 Intuitive Concept

3.2 von Neumann Algebra 2

3.3 von Neumann Algebra 3

3.4 Complex Manifold Deformation Theory

Arranged at 11 July 2013

Togakushi, Nagano
which located near Hakuba
Photo taken at 23 August 2003

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