Sunday 14 July 2013

Langauge universal models

Langauge universal models

0. Preface / The Time of WANG Guowei0.1 Curriculum Vitae / Curriculum Vitae0.2 Sekinan RFL / Sekinan RFL

1. Repeated Integral Model
1.1 Hyperbolic volume / Volume of Language
1.2 Hyperbolic space / Hyperbolic Space Language

2. Minimal Model
2.1 Free group / Notes for KARVESKIJ Sergej, "Dusualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique"  
2.2 Fundamental group / Description of Language
2.3 de Rham complex / Structure of Word
2.4 de Rham complex on spherical surface / Condition of Meaning

3. Knot Theory Model
3.1 Hida deformation space / Loop Time of Character

4. Jones-Witten Theory Model
4.1 Witten invariant / Symmetry of Language

5. Moduli Model
5.1 Projective algebraic manifold / Completion of Language
5.2 Projective algebraic manifold / Meaning Minimum of Language

6. Arithmetic Geometry Model
6.1 Riemann-Roch Formula / Language, Word, Distance, Meaning and Meaning Minimum

7. Projective Space Model
7.1 Grothendieck theorem / Vector Bundle Model

8. Diophantine Approximation Model-Diophantine Language
8.1 Faltings theorom / Finiteness of Words
8.2 Noguchi, Winkelmann theorem / Dimension of Word

9. Apendix / Bibliography

As of 1 December 2012

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