Tuesday 9 July 2013

woodbird, data storage of atbankofdam

The site woodbird is the data storage of the home site of atbankofdam.


Blogger site, atbankofdam shows the selected papers on language universals and its related ones.
Views: 1 | Added by: woodbird | Date: Yesterday | Comments (0)
Twitter site, atbankofdam shows the surroundings of the home site.
Views: 1 | Added by: woodbird | Date: Yesterday | Comments (0)
At YouTube, atbankofdam has opened today, 8 July 2013.
Views: 1 | Added by: woodbird | Date: Yesterday | Comments (0)
The site atbankofdam has become the new home for study on language.
Views: 21 | Added by: woodbird | Date: 19/05/2013 | Comments (0)
The woodbird presents the papers related with language universals. 

Views: 13 | Added by: woodbird | Date: 30/04/2013 | Comments (0)

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